Wednesday 17 October 2007

Roses are Blooming...

To cheer myself (and probably you lot too) after that last post I thought I'd put up one of my favourite photos - of a rose that, because I grow it in the inner garden, escaped the attention of the deer who nipped the flowers off every rose that I was daft enough to plant in the outer garden. Hope you enjoy it.

1 comment:

bear said...

Oh! This picture brings back happy memories - roses in Grandma's garden - running about on long sunny summer days. A good thing to see on a dark grey day.

Madame was thinking of you the other day - she spotted a calender called "50 ways to kill a slug". Oh, dear ... no, she didn't buy it.

She's still on sick leave - getting better but slowly. Apparently giraffes can get by on only 2 hours sleep. Unfortunately Madame is no giraffe.